
The first time I saw a picture of Caravaggio’s painting of “Doubting Thomas, I was surprised at my reaction to it.  I felt tender. I have never been a fan of paintings or pictures of Jesus. It probably has something to do with being raised Jewish and all of the Read more…


A few years ago, I read an article by Peter Scazzero. It was taken from his book, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. He spoke of the gift of slowing down. I resonated with his words. At my previous business, my daily commute was 35 miles one way. I would get in the Read more…

The Journey

During my spiritual formation cohort we were shown the painting that Rembrandt painted of Matthew 8:24. The boat that Jesus and the disciples were in was caught in a bad storm. In case you don’t remember, Jesus was in the boat sleeping through the storm. As I reflected on the Read more…

Unload Your Heart

I read the following quote by Francois Fenelon (a French Roman Catholic archbishop from the late sixteen hundreds). I found my heart yearning for this type of deep intimacy and connection with the Lord.   “Tell God all that is in your heart, as one unloads one’s heart, it’s pleasures, Read more…


The other day, I was reading a book that a friend gave me. I read the first few pages and was getting more and more troubled by what I was reading. I felt like the author had misstated some things in Church history. I read some more of the book Read more…